CEEPC's Proteomics, Genomics and Metabolomics.


   Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference (CEEPC)                                                        

  18th CEEPC - Vienna, Austria


The 18th CEEPC held in Vienna jointly with the Austrian Proteomics and Metabolomics Association (APMA) & together with the Medical University of Vienna (MedUni Wien) and TU Wien was a great success.


                  Conference organizers Suresh Jivan Gadher, Evelyn Rampler, Klaus Kratochwill, Martina Marchetti-Deschmann 




Theme was:  Building bridges in Science – Metabolomics & Proteomics between East and West

Date held was: September 23rd to 25th, 2024

Program was:




Organizing committee:

We thank the organising committee for a wonderful Conference    



Diversity and Humanity

The CEEPC acknowledges the pain and suffering that racism has caused and continues to cause and stands in solidarity with those who pursue equity, justice, human dignity for all and an end to racism. In particular, as the current crisis unfolds in various continents, it is clear that the widening inequalities, through all the social determinants of health and well-being, which clearly include racism and a lack of humanity. 


Origin of Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference              

The annual Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference can be considered as the bedrock of proteomics in Central and Eastern Europe and since its creation, has seen an incredible growth in proteomics. The term Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference (CEEPC) was coined by the founder members of this series of conference including Josef Chmelik (1953-2007), Suresh Jivan Gadher and Hana Kovarova over discussions about the apparent lack of visibility of proteomics in Central and Eastern Europe as well as infrequent meetings and almost total lack of international collaborations.



                    Dr. Hana Kovarova                                                                 Dr. Suresh Jivan Gadher

   Pioneers - 'from CEEPC ideology to the 18th CEEPC reality'  & envisioning 2030


The 1st Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference was organised in Prague in 2007 with resultant huge success. The intervening years saw the CEEPC grow. CEEPC is one of a very few meetings undistracted by rivalry and politics and remains a friendly and relaxed forum for scientific, medical, and all types of proteomics related interactions.


Vision and fruition

The cornerstone in the evolution of CEEPC was the incredible friendship between scientists from Czech Republic, Russia, Austria, Hungary, United Kingdom, Canada and the United States. It all began with invitations to such researchers and friends to visit Prague, participate in scientific discussions and to share ideas in a friendly and informal environment over good Czech beer and Moravian wine. Subsequent intense work by Suresh Jivan Gadher (USA / UK), Hana Kovarova (Czech Academy of Sciences, Libechov) and Josef Chmelik (Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno), laid the foundation for the birth of the 1st CEEPC organised in Prague on the 29th – 31st of October, 2007 jointly with the 3rd Czech Proteomics Conference.  Sadly, the same year Josef who was a stalwart member of the founder team, suddenly passed away. Josef, who had devoted his entire life to proteomics and glycomics, and like Suresh and Hana too, had a vision to create a dynamic and integrated research community inclusive of all cultural societies. This vision to reality was subsequently propagated by Suresh Jivan Gadher and Hana Kovarova.   Expansion of the CEEPC was then initiated by welcoming Germany, Austria and Hungary to this privileged Conference. Whilst participation of Russian and Indian proteomics was greeted with anticipation,  inclusion of Slovakia in 2010, Poland and Romania in 2013, Macedonia in 2014 and Lithuania in 2023 to the Board has been exciting and expansive. Today, a stronger network of proteomics in Central and Eastern Europe stands established together with the initial vision of a forum for enthusiastic scientists and researchers to meet and discuss their work in a friendly and relaxed manner. The CEEPC remains one of a very few meetings with refreshing and independent atmosphere. Additionally, young researchers are encouraged to present their findings. This is an ever expanding conference that stands to grow as neighbouring states with proteomic excellence come on-board to propagate this concept further.



                                          Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference                               




                     Mesmerising presentations



An expansive network of proteomics in Central and Eastern Europe stands established and thrives on mutual trust and friendship. To this day, CEEPC’s outstanding success is due to the undiminished enthusiasm of this unique group of friends, their academic institutional researchers and participating scientists from all over the world, returning each year for this intoxicating mixture of proteomics and friendship.


Challenges per se

The biggest conceptual challenge inherent in proteomics lies not only in the proteome’s high degree of complexity, but also with Proteomic Organisations of today. Often, many such organisations may or may not nurture or encourage free flow of ideas, knowledge, and technological expertise without the burden of bureaucracy, political bickering, commercial secrecy or withholding of select data and information due to affiliation to pharmaceutical and other industries. We hear of several proteomic conferences every year and whilst attendance may number in hundreds if not a thousand and parallel sessions galore, a sense of overburdening with limitless number of posters and conflict of which presentations to attend, often leaves the participant perplexed and questioning. This together with the increasing registration fees and conference participation costs overwhelms the enthusiasm of the participant per se.


The CEEPC Ethos

CEEPC ethos strives to prevent such complexities from crossing the boundaries pertinent to ‘Proteomics’ as reflected in its genesis. It evolved from a need for collaboration and a forum for open interaction where novel ideas could be nurtured. Subsequent intense work over the years by its founder members, has sculptured the Conference to its present day status and stature.  It continues to grow, bringing together the best researchers from all over the world without pressures and conflicts mentioned above.


                Totally absorbing experience







                                                                             About our LOGO


CEEPC logo depicts the peaks of intensity of modern day proteomic approaches intertwined with silhouettes of the spires of the Founder City of Prague in the Czech Republic - reaching the pinnacle of innovation, excellence, and cohesion for the benefit of mankind.

     (Have you seen these silhouettes before?

                                 ......mass spectrometry profile when interrogating peptides and proteins

                                                   .............. and the spires of Prague when you attended the CEEPC !)




                                           Peaks of Prague  - Entwined in our logo



The wars in Eastern Europe 

The Russia - Ukraine war and the Armenia -Azerbaijan war for Nagorno-Karabakh, has highlighted the inequalities, the divisions, scarcities and issues that are not transparent and urgently need fixing, at least in Eastern Europe.  Now more than ever, it has shown us that there is a huge need for 'inter-connectivity' supported by ties of community, empathy, and compassion.  Central Eastern European Proteomics has been promoting 'inter-connectivity', 'humanity' and 'reality' and it will once again be addressing these issues as it has done over the last dacade !


CEEPC has always addressed Global inequalities in our ‘Humanity’ Tab (click to read) and we believe in a Society in which all are valued equally.