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Peer reviewed Meeting Reports & Conference memories
Credibility and its accolades
Every CEEP Conference attempts to put together a robust meeting program by inviting national and international speakers to deliver exciting presentations and to share their recent research findings. Highlights of each meeting are captured as a 'meeting report' in peer reviewed Journals for perusal and posterity (each report can be viewed by clicking on the links below )
Photos with permission
1st CEEPC audiance - 2007 / Hana Kovarova, Jan Kopečný & Mike Dunn - Front Row
Prague, Czech Republic - 1st Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference & 3rd Czech Proteomic Conference, 29 – 31 October 2007.

- 1st CEEPC Meeting Report <click to view
Tribute to Josef Chmelík
Credit: City Library Česká Třebová
Josef Chmelik (Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno), laid the foundation for the birth of the 1st CEEPC organised in Prague on the 29th – 31st of October, 2007 jointly with the 3rd Czech Proteomics Conference. Sadly, the same year Josef who was a stalwart member of the founder team, suddenly passed away. Josef, who had devoted his entire life to proteomics and glycomics, had a vision to create a dynamic and integrated research community inclusive of all cultural societies. This vision to reality, stands established for the benefit of many. We remember Josef and his dedication to Proteomics:
Tribute to our own CEEPC stalwart visionary: < Click to read
Credit: City Library Česká Třebová
In memoriam: Josef Chmelík, RNDr, PhD < Click to read
Credit: Proteomics, 2007, 7, 3031 - 3032
Tribute: Proteomics 2007, 7, 3031 - 3032
Photo credit & link article above with permission
Jena, Germany - 2nd Central & Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 12 - 15 October 2008
Aleš Svatoš
Budapest, Hungary - 3rd Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 6–9 October 2009
- 3rd CEEPC Meeting Report <click to view
European Association (EUPA) Bulletin - February 2010 - Issue 2 - Budapest, Hungary - 3rd Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 6–9 October 2009
Vienna, Austria - 4th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 29th August - 3rd September 2010
Title: Significant Growth of Proteomics and the start of Metabolomics in Central and Eastern Europe – 4th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference welcomes International Metabolomics Austria.
- 4th CEEPC REPORT <click to view
Prague, Czech Republic - 5th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 19–22 September 2011
Title: Proteomes, Proteomics and Biological Systems
- 5th CEEPC REPORT <click to view
Budapest, Hungary - 6th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 14–17 October 2012
Károly Vékey László Drahos
- 6th CEEPC REPORT <click to view
Jena, Germany - 7th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 13–16 October 2013
- 7th CEEPC REPORT <click to view
Vienna, Austria - 8th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 30th June - 4th July, 2014
Title: 8th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference meets 2nd International Metabolomics
- 8th CEEPC REPORT <click to view
Poznan, Poland - 9th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference, 15th June to 18th June, 2015.
Title: The 9th CEEPC together with the 1st Polish Proteomic Society
Łukasz Marczak
- 9th CEEPC MEETING REPORT <click to view
Budapest, Hungary - '10th Anniversary' Meeting' - 2017
Hungary core team
Expert Review of Proteomics, Volume: 14, 2017 - Issue 7, Pages 567-569 / Published 16 Jun 2017
Tribute to Michael Dunn for his contribution to proteomics by Hana Kovarova & Suresh Gadher

Special Issue: Dedicated to Mike Dunn for his contribution to Proteomics as Editor‐in‐Chief, November 2016
1) The cover image illustrates how proteomics bridges classical microbiology with a systems biology level understanding of metabolic networks. The backgound is a 2D‐DIGE image - Marvin Dörries et al. , page 2878.
2) second cover image - Glycans are not directly encoded in genes while the structure of proteins are directly encoded in their corresponding genes. Glycans are produced by concerted actions of glycosyltransferases and glycosidases and their expression is regulated at various levels including epigenetics, mRNA (transcriptomics), protein (proteomics), and metabolytes (metabolomics) - Yasuhiko Kizuka et al., page 2854.
Tribute to Michael Dunn for his dedication < CLICK TO READ
Budapest, Hungary - '10th Anniversary' Meeting Special Issue' Journal of Proteomics 2017'
Title: A decade of Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference (CEEPC): Credibility, cohesion and vision for the next decade
- '10th Anniversary' Meeting Report <click to view
Ľudmila Tkáčiková
The 11th CEEPC Slovakia 2017 Meeting report
Title: Pursuit of proteomic excellence and the excitement in Košice, Slovakia, at the 11th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference (CEEPC)
Expert Review of Proteomics, Volume: DOI:10.1080/14789450.2018.1469983
The 12th CEEPC Bucharest, 2018
Bucharest core team
The 12th CEEPC Bucharest, 2018 Meeting report
Driving Precision Medicine through Proteomics and Metabolomics - 12th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference (CEEPC), Bucharest, Romania.
Gadher SJ, Antohe F, Kovarova H.
ISSN: 1478-9450 (Print) 1744-8387 (Online) - Published in print on 17th June, 2019.
Felicia Antohe
The 13th CEEPC Ustron, Poland 2019 Meeting report
Power of proteomics and progress in precision medicine – 13th central and eastern European proteomic conference (CEEPC), Ustroń, Poland, 23rd to the 25th September, 2019
Gadher SJ, Widlak P, and Kovarova H
Piotr Widłak
18th Joint Meeting Report under review !
Prof. Günter Allmaier
CEEPC mourns the loss of one of our own - Univ.Prof.iR Mag.pharm. Dr.rer.nat. Günter Allmaier, who passed away after an illness. He will be sadly missed. We will always remember Günter as a smiling, gentle, happy person who openly expressed his views and opinions for the benefit of CEEPC. Günter was passionate about Proteomics, Metabolomics and Mass Spectrometry and will also be remembered for his wonderful hosting of the CEEP Conferences in Vienna
For and behalf of CEEPC - Suresh Jivan Gadher
It was not the 'Midas touch' ................but perseverance, dedication, hard work and tremendous sense of camaraderie which progressed and shaped the CEEPC of today for a better tomorrow as we look forward to the excitement of a second decade of CEEPC.